Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Opportunity To Become Rich.
My father used to say "youth is wasted on the young." I'mnot so sure he's right, but I do know that experience andwisdom teaches you a lot, and you can't gain wisdom untilyou get the experience, that's for sure. When I was a kid, I had no patience at all. I still don'thave much patience, but one thing I do have now, is morerealistic expectations about results I can expect fromthings, and these expectations have a way of sort of"regulating" your patience a little better. Make sense? So for example, when I first picked up a guitar, years ago,I was expecting to play Stairway To Heaven like Jimmy Pagedid, within a month or so, of "pretty heavy" practicing. Turns out it really doesn't work that way -- even JimmyPage didn't get to be Jimmy Page after a month. But notknowing any better, I got discouraged and never really gavemy guitar playing a shot. The truth was, I was a damn good guitar player. I have thekind of ear that can hear something one time, and then playit -- albeit not like Jimmy Page can -- but let's face it,that's a pretty unrealistic standard of comparison to use,especially straight out of the starting gate, right? But at least I continued playing, and I had fun with myinstrument during that time. There's a similar problem I see in business, and frankly Isee it often, especially with people trying to getsomething off the ground. They are so preoccupied withmaking sure they'll have a "real" business, they don'tthink that the first time you do anything, whether it'spicking up a guitar, riding a bicycle, or starting abusiness -- that the end result down the line will bedramatically different than it is today. For instance, this year we'll do close to 7 figures -- butthree and a half years ago when I started my businessonline, all I had was a webpage and a few people who knewme from writing copy. If I'd have "waited", guess whatwould have happened? Yep -- nothing! So if you are having trouble getting started, here are afew words of wisdom I think will help you: Don't sit therethinking you're expecting to roll out something that'sgoing to make you the next Bill Gates -- at least don'tthink that until your doors open. Just try to make ONEdollar doing whatever it is you do. As soon as you've madethat ONE dollar, guess what? You now have a "real" business. Then go for $100 dollars... then maybe $100 a month, or$100 a week. If you do this, chances are your businesswill be profitable, and the other thing that will happen isyour learning curve will be incrementally HUGE -- as willyour increase in profits. New ideas will come to you, new strategies will appear infront of you, and you'll suddenly find yourself in the sameposition Napoleon Hill mentions in Think And Grow Reech:the munney will come to you so fast and furiously, you'llwonder where it was hiding all this time. Of course, many people don't want to hear this because theyare so afraid of taking their fist step, it's much easierto justify their delay by saying things are just "notready" yet. But the truth is, EVERYbody's ready to make ONE dollar,right? Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Only TWO Days Left to get this month's Seductive SellingNewsletter, where I show you a sneaky andmanipulative (yet 100% legal) trick to use, to fool yourprospects into thinking your product is FAR more powerfulthan it actually is! Test-drive it fre.e and get $1,391 inbonus gifts, including not one, but now TWO fre.e marketingcritiques, right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl ===If you enjoyed this, feel free to pass it on to a few ofyour friends and business associates. Or, simply have themsubscribe themselves! Send them over tohttp://www.kingofcopy.com (c) Copyright, Craig Garber & kingofcopy.com(TM) 2007
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