Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Opportunity To Become Rich.

My father used to say "youth is wasted on the young." I'mnot so sure he's right, but I do know that experience andwisdom teaches you a lot, and you can't gain wisdom untilyou get the experience, that's for sure. When I was a kid, I had no patience at all. I still don'thave much patience, but one thing I do have now, is morerealistic expectations about results I can expect fromthings, and these expectations have a way of sort of"regulating" your patience a little better. Make sense? So for example, when I first picked up a guitar, years ago,I was expecting to play Stairway To Heaven like Jimmy Pagedid, within a month or so, of "pretty heavy" practicing. Turns out it really doesn't work that way -- even JimmyPage didn't get to be Jimmy Page after a month. But notknowing any better, I got discouraged and never really gavemy guitar playing a shot. The truth was, I was a damn good guitar player. I have thekind of ear that can hear something one time, and then playit -- albeit not like Jimmy Page can -- but let's face it,that's a pretty unrealistic standard of comparison to use,especially straight out of the starting gate, right? But at least I continued playing, and I had fun with myinstrument during that time. There's a similar problem I see in business, and frankly Isee it often, especially with people trying to getsomething off the ground. They are so preoccupied withmaking sure they'll have a "real" business, they don'tthink that the first time you do anything, whether it'spicking up a guitar, riding a bicycle, or starting abusiness -- that the end result down the line will bedramatically different than it is today. For instance, this year we'll do close to 7 figures -- butthree and a half years ago when I started my businessonline, all I had was a webpage and a few people who knewme from writing copy. If I'd have "waited", guess whatwould have happened? Yep -- nothing! So if you are having trouble getting started, here are afew words of wisdom I think will help you: Don't sit therethinking you're expecting to roll out something that'sgoing to make you the next Bill Gates -- at least don'tthink that until your doors open. Just try to make ONEdollar doing whatever it is you do. As soon as you've madethat ONE dollar, guess what? You now have a "real" business. Then go for $100 dollars... then maybe $100 a month, or$100 a week. If you do this, chances are your businesswill be profitable, and the other thing that will happen isyour learning curve will be incrementally HUGE -- as willyour increase in profits. New ideas will come to you, new strategies will appear infront of you, and you'll suddenly find yourself in the sameposition Napoleon Hill mentions in Think And Grow Reech:the munney will come to you so fast and furiously, you'llwonder where it was hiding all this time. Of course, many people don't want to hear this because theyare so afraid of taking their fist step, it's much easierto justify their delay by saying things are just "notready" yet. But the truth is, EVERYbody's ready to make ONE dollar,right? Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Only TWO Days Left to get this month's Seductive SellingNewsletter, where I show you a sneaky andmanipulative (yet 100% legal) trick to use, to fool yourprospects into thinking your product is FAR more powerfulthan it actually is! Test-drive it fre.e and get $1,391 inbonus gifts, including not one, but now TWO fre.e marketingcritiques, right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl ===If you enjoyed this, feel free to pass it on to a few ofyour friends and business associates. Or, simply have themsubscribe themselves! Send them over tohttp://www.kingofcopy.com (c) Copyright, Craig Garber & kingofcopy.com(TM) 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ways To Make Money
There are a number of ways to make money. Some of the more common are through employment income, as in a job. Others ways include investing in the stock market or the commodities exchange.
Starting your own business either on a full time or part time basis can be one of the most lucrative and rewarding ways to make money.
This site is dedicated to helping people come up with ways they can make money by starting their own business. I have listed what I believe are currently the top 20 business ideas that anybody with some hard work and time can setup and generate their own money. There is nothing more rewarding then create something from nothing and watching it grow.
Browse the topics on the left and find one or more that interests you. Read it through and get started. I have included a link or two in each of the ways to make money ideas which should point you in the right direction to get everything you will need to educate yourself on your chosen interest.
I have found through my own person experience that writing down on paper what you want to accomplish through your new business will increase your chances of actually achieving these goals. Try to be specific. One of my goals when I started my own business was to generate $200 in net revenue per day in 6 months time. I then wrote this out in a journal. I also wrote $10, $20, 30...$200 with spots to put dates as I achieve each incremental step. Guess what, I did it.
To help you get in the right frame of mind I have listed some of my favorite inspirational quotes below. Find a few that inspire you and post them throughout your home.
"Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it."
-Author unknown
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
-Norman Vincent Peale
"Nothing happens unless first a dream."
-Carl Sandburg
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."
-Benjamin Disraeli
"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential."
-Liane Cardes
"Just go out there and do what you've got to do."
-Martina Navratilova
"We were born to succeed, not to fail."
-Henry David Thoreau
"For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour."
-Mary Kay Ash
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
- Theodore Roosevelt
"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started."
-Dawson Trotman
"A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it."
-Unknown Author

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Finding the Capital You Need

If you've always wanted to start a business but have hesitated because you're unsure you have enough money, don't give up. Financial capital can be found to help you start your business. You just need to know where to look.
Financial capital is vital to any business. If you're undercapitalized, you can quickly fail. Often, people starting their own businesses will use their life savings as financial capital. This is a risky move, but it often does allow them to start their new enterprise on solid financial ground. When you supply the funds for your business, it's called own capital.
Financial capital is money. You use this capital to buy things your business needs, such as equipment. Without the necessary funds, you won't be able to buy or lease the equipment and buildings required by your business.
If you don't have your own money to start a business, you can try traditional lenders first. If you qualify, these lenders will supply you with the funds you need to get your business going. In return, you'll pay interest on the money you have borrowed. Not surprisingly, capital that comes from a lender is called borrowed capital.
An option some people and companies explore when looking for funds is venture capital. Investors, looking for ways to make money, will provide capital to a new business in the hope of getting a high rate of return. The way many venture capital agreements work is that the investor provides cash to the company. In return, he receives a certain number of shares of stock in the company.
What's nice about venture capital is it signifies that others believe in the viability of your company. For the lucky or smart venture capitalist, the returns can be high. If the company takes off, he or she can reap a large reward.
But intrinsic in this relationship is the possibility that the new businesses might fail. To minimize the risks, venture capitalists spend a great deal of time investigating potential investments. They want to know as much as they can about the company and the people running it before they hand over their money.
Some people who want to be venture capital investors don't want to go it all alone. In that case, they may join with other people interested in providing venture capital. By grouping their money together, they have more to invest in companies.

As a business owner, you may like the idea of venture capital, but be wary. Venture capitalists often want to be involved in the business. It is, after all, their money at stake. If you don't want this type of interference, then state that up-front. Look for investors who aren't going to want to get involved in the running of the operation.
If having your own business is a dream of yours, then don't let a lack of capital stop you. Research your options, and find the right one for you.
by: Frank Vanderlugt
Preparing for Home Business Success

There are both enormous benefits and significant risks involved with working for yourself in a home-based business. You are totally reliant on your own skills and motivation to make a living, not to mention the smooth running of technology! Gone is the regular pay check and if you are typical of a new business operator, you will have a few rocky roads to travel before things go smoothly.

The many benefits of running a home-based business cannot be enjoyed until you get your new business on an even keel. You may find yourself initially working long hours for nothing while you get yourself established. One way to avoid this stressful period of business development is to start your business part-time and keep your current job while you gradually build your business. Alternatively, if you are well capitalized and can afford to take the time to build your business without being financially stressed, you can go through the process with less overall pressure and stress.Most home-based businesses fail because people are not prepared. They may not have chosen the best product or service for them. Or perhaps they have not developed an effective business or marketing plan. It is important to take the time to gain the knowledge you need to become successful and to learn the necessary skills to get the best results.The internet has opened up a world of opportunities to both learn about all aspects of business building and to even source products and opportunities to create your own home based business.

Unfortunately, the internet can also be a trap for unwary entrepreneurs.There are countless money making opportunities that promise rapid profits, fantastic support and guaranteed success. How do you sort through them and choose the best one for you? If you are looking to market someone else's product either as a reseller or an associate it is very important that you purchase the product yourself first and make sure that you are happy with it. If a product is of poor quality, long term success is not possible. Choose a product that people use then need to repurchase. If you have to keep finding new customers because your product lasts forever then you have made things hard for yourself. Skin products, for example, are used and must be repurchased. Finally, the health of the company is very important. How long have they been in business? How ethical are they? Research whether there are complaints on forums. If you invest your time, energy and money in building your business on the back of another company and it fails, you will lose your business.

Once you have done this and are in a position to implement a strategy designed to help you succeed, you can begin to enjoy the many benefits of working for yourself such as flexibility, better work/family balance, greater opportunities for wealth creation and let's not forget massive time-savings because you do not need to travel to work. If you lay a solid foundation when you are establishing your business, you will be able to build and enjoy a home based business you will be proud of.

Author: Paul Jesse

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Internet wealth creation

What is it that almost every successful Internet Marketer has? They have multiple streams of online income. These different streams all come in from different projects and ventures and once put together can add up to a very significant monthly figure. Why is it exceptionally important to have several different streams of income compared with just one single stream of income? Well, undoubtedly one of the main reasons is the security that it provides. Remember nothing in the world of business can be taken for granted and the online world is no exception.

If you put all your eggs into one basket and it initially turns out to be very successful it can be very tempting to focus all your energy on that one niche, product or website and neglect any expansion into other areas. Let’s say that in the first year this niche is really hot and you start to pull in $5000 per month. You think life is fantastic. You leave your job and tell your boss what you really think of him because you have decided you are earning enough to become a full time Internet Marketer. Live seems good. However, fast forward a year and it is possible that the bottom will have completely fallen out of the market that you were previously so successful in. You may now only be making $1000 per month and have to go to your boss and beg for your job back so that you can keep up with your mortgage repayments.

This is a nightmare scenario but it is one that many have ended up in. You want to make sure that this never happens to you. How? By building multiple streams of online income.Robert Allen has long been writing about the need for many different streams of incomes. He has recently placed his focus on applying this concept to the field of Internet Marketing. Supposing you have ten different streams of online income each sending you $500 per month. That is a very healthy total of $5000 altogether. The beauty of having these different streams is that if one falls away it will only impact on your total earnings in a small fashion. This means that barring some extremely unlikely disaster you are very secure in your ability to provide for your family and pay your mortgage solely from your Internet income. How do I build up several streams of income is a common question? Well, here are some ideas! You can set-up several different websites based around niches and aim to profit from them through ADSense and affiliate links.

Then you could write a couple of Ebooks and sell them through Clickbank. You could then set up a few Blogs. You can also have a few ADWords campaigns that make another profitable stream. You should aim to build your own list with at least a few of these ventures. Yes, it will take time and effort to build up multiple streams of online income but once you have several up and running they will provide you with an income and a sense of security beyond what you have ever imagined.

Did you find this article, "Why Build Multiple Streams Of Online Income" helpful? For more information on this topic please checkout the Multiple Streams Of Income System.This free article is provided by FreeArticles.com for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.